Thursday, April 4, 2013

Act Against Arms: Piers Morgan, Oprah, TriBeCa Films asked to ban guns fro

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Act Against Arms: Piers Morgan, Oprah, TriBeCa Films asked to ban guns fro

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Published on Apr 2, 2013 @Project_Veritas investigators urge Piers Morgan, Oprah Winfrey's production company (Harpo), and Robert DeNiro's production company (Tribeca) to help ban all guns from past and future movies. With some disturbed murderers citing violent movies as the impetus for their crimes, would Hollywood elites agree to remove guns from their flicks #ForTheChildren? Or would money and fame supersede their malleable ideology?

Hypocrites in Hollywood Want Guns


I'm sure by now you've noticed that the establishment politicians and media pundits rarely miss a chance to use kids as props for their political agenda.

They have no problem insisting that the American people sacrifice our rights, "For the children."

But what happens when the tables are turned?

WATCH NOW to see the reaction of famous news anchors, Hollywood actors, and film producers when our investigators asked THEM to sacrifice something they love - money.

Hypocrites in
Hollywood Want Guns Confiscated

You might think that anyone who condemns gun violence would be eager to see it removed from movies and television - where it could potentially have a negative impact on impressionable young children and teens.

You would be wrong.

We asked Piers Morgan at Time Warner and Robert DeNiro's Tribeca Films to edit the guns out of their existing movies by posing as a group called Act Against Arms.

And guess what? They REFUSED!

Watch the whole report for yourself right HERE.

One film production company spokesman we talked to had personal anti-gun sentiments and supported our alleged mission in theory . . .
. . . But ONLY if we didn’t take an extreme route that would negatively impact the film industry.
In other words, he wasn’t willing to sacrifice something he valued to achieve someone else’s political objectives.  

The irony is that his response was perfectly reasonable, just as the Second Amendment supporters who oppose limits on their rights are also being reasonable.

It’s the hypocrites in the media and the political establishment who are the extremists.

Not that this will come as a surprise to you. As a supporter of Project Veritas, I know you’re very familiar with the outrageous behavior of the corporate media and so-called “journalists.”

But it’s always shocking to see it happen on tape, in living color.

That’s why you should watch our latest investigation RIGHT NOW to remind yourself who we’re fighting against - and why the establishment wants to silence Project Veritas.

Then forward this footage along to your friends and family. There’s nothing like irrefutable video evidence of hypocrisy and double standards to make people think twice about the mainstream media’s narrative.

And don’t forget that your generous financial support makes all of our work possible. . .
. . . So please donate to support free and independent journalism after you watch our new report.
Thanks for everything you do.

Yours for Truth,

James O’Keefe

James O'Keefe

P.S. You do NOT want to miss our latest undercover footage featuring none other than CNN’s Piers Morgan.  

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